Rostislav Staněk |
MOTOR 2020 Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, 08.07.2020: Flow refuelling problems in e-mobility models and solutions, joint work with Peter Greistorfer and Anna Kastner. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
MATCOS-19 Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science, 11.10.2019: Advanced facility location models for the placement of charging stations in e-mobility, joint work with Anna Elisabeth Kastner and Peter Greistorfer. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
ECCO XXXI 31st Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, 14.06.2018: An ILP-based improvement method for the travelling salesman problem, joint work with Moritz Kettele and Peter Greistorfer. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
ECCO XXX 30th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, 06.05.2017: Geometric and ILP-based heuristics for the quadratic travelling salesman problem, joint work with Peter Greistorfer, Klaus Ladner, and Ulrich Pferschy. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
OR2016 Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, 01.09.2016: Solution methods for the quadratic TSP and its variations, joint work with Oswin Aichholzer, Anja Fischer, Frank Fischer, J. Fabian Meier, Ulrich Pferschy, and Alexander Pilz. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
YAMS 6th Workshop on Young Academics’ Management Science, 17.11.2015: Using pure integer solutions to solve the symmetric quadratic traveling salesman problem, joint work with Anja Fischer, J. Fabian Meier, and Ulrich Pferschy. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
AGTAC Algorithmic Graph Theory on the Adriatic Coast, 16.06.2015: A special case of the data arrangement problem on binary trees, joint work with Eranda Çela and Joachim Schauer. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
SCCO2014 Workshop on Tractable special cases of hard combinatorial optimization problems, 15.12.2014: A polynomial solvable case of the data arrangement problem on binary trees, joint work with Eranda Çela and Joachim Schauer. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
FRICO 2014 Magdeburg Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization, 31.07.2014: Polynomially solvable special cases of the data arrangement problem on regular trees, joint work with Eranda Çela. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
ECCO XXVII 27th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, 02.05.2014: Generating subtour constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions, joint work with Ulrich Pferschy. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
MATCOS-13 Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science, 11.10.2013: Using pure integer solutions to solve the travelling salesman problem, joint work with Ulrich Pferschy. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
FRICO 2013 Aachen Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization, 24.08.2013: Using pure integer solutions to solve the travelling salesman problem, joint work with Ulrich Pferschy. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
FRICO 2012 Berlin Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization, 15.08.2012: Heuristiken für das optimale Data-Arrangement-Problem in einem Baum (Heuristics for optimal data arrangement problem on a tree), joint work with Eranda Çela. In German. The abstract can be downloaded here.