Rostislav Staněk |
Gerhard Reichmann, Klaus Ladner, and Rostislav Staněk: Zur Wahlkompetenz von Studierenden eine empirische Studie im Hinblick auf Nationalratswahlen in Österreich (Electoral competence of students an empirical study with regard to National Council elections in Austria). In Information Wissenschaft & Praxis vol. 72(1), pp. 1930, 2021. In German. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Rostislav Staněk, Peter Greistorfer, Klaus Ladner, and Ulrich Pferschy: Geometric and LP-based heuristics for angular travelling salesman problems in the plane. In Computers & Operations Research vol. 108, pp. 97111, 2019. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here. A preliminary version containing supplementary material is available as arXiv:1803.03681.
Ulrich Pferschy and Rostislav Staněk: Generating subtour elimination constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions. In: Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 25(1), pp. 231260, 2017. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here. A preliminary version containing supplementary material is available as arXiv:1511.03533.
Oswin Aichholzer, Anja Fischer, Frank Fischer, J. Fabian Meier, Ulrich Pferschy, Alexander Pilz, and Rostislav Staněk: Minimization and Maximization Versions of the Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Optimization, vol. 66(4), pp. 521546, 2017. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here. A preliminary version is available as Optimization Online 2016-03-5375.
Anja Fischer, J. Fabian Meier, Ulrich Pferschy, and Rostislav Staněk: Linear models and computational experiments for the quadratic TSP. In: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 55, pp. 97100, 2016. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Eranda Çela and Rostislav Staněk: Heuristics for the data arrangement problem on regular trees. In: Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 30(3), pp. 768802, 2015. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here. A preliminary version is available as arXiv:1304.5942. The used test instances can be downloaded here.
Peter Greistorfer, Rostislav Staněk, and Vittorio Maniezzo: The Magnifying Glass Heuristic for the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem. In: XIII Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2019 proceedings, pp. 2224, July 2019. In English. The abstract can be downloaded hier.
Rostislav Staněk, Klaus Ladner, Peter Greistorfer, and Ulrich Pferschy: Meta- and Matheuristic Approaches for the Symmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, pp. 829831, June 2017. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Rostislav Pferschy and Rostislav Staněk: Using Pure Integer Solutions to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY A, pp. 565568, October 2013. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Rostislav Staněk: Problems on tours and trees in combinatorial optimization, PhD thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2016. In English. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Rostislav Staněk: Heuristiken für das optimale Data-Arrangement-Problem in einem Baum (Heuristics for optimal data arrangement problem on a tree), master’s thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2012. In German. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Rostislav Staněk: Výuková aplikace pro gramatiku němčiny (Modern Grammar of German), bachelor’s thesis, University of West Bohemia, 2008. In Czech. The abstract can be downloaded here.
Ulrich Pferschy and Rostislav Staněk: TSPLIB in XML format., 2013. In English.